Security & Service

Digitization in the security and service sector

People have been talking about digitization for many years now, without really being able to imagine real networking and its benefits in day-to-day business. And even if Germany is not considered a pioneer in the implementation of future topics, innovative service providers in this country also show how sustainably and profitably robotic technology can be integrated into operational processes.

Sicherheitskonzepte für Flughäfen
Sicherheitskonzepte für Flughäfen

Monday morning.
Company employees stream to the main gate. Their digital access authorizations are automatically recognized and confirmed. Without any delay, all registered persons continue on their way. Individual cases and unusual items such as a lot of luggage are checked by the friendly security staff, who have the necessary time to do so thanks to the automatic check-ins.

The route across the company premises leads past permanently installed cameras and ready-to-use mobile robot solutions, which recognize correct authorizations thanks to permanent networking and thus remain passive. At defined times, wheel-driven persistent patrol models set off on their routes, alert and energetic at all times.

Encounters with agile dog-like walking robots are a daily routine for humans; after all, the "digital" colleague regularly makes its rounds, checking and scanning confined, hard-to-reach or hazardous manufacturing areas, ensuring their fail-safe operation.

Visitors and guests to the company are greeted in the foyer by the digital reception AI. The smart robot takes over all processes, issues visitor badges, answers questions, entertains, accompanies and guides guests to the conference area. On the way, digital presentation areas are automatically activated, lighting and air conditioning systems are switched on, and refreshments are served by intelligent serving robots.

While other conference participants are automatically informed about the arrival of the first guests and rush to the premises, autonomous drone systems start their inspection rounds and unerringly head for defined areas. As a fast, cost-effective and extremely effective tool, these drones are used equally for maintenance and security tasks and support the control centers thanks to the perfect overview from the air.

The highly trained and experienced colleagues at the monitors observe the routine interaction between humans and robotics, always able to intervene via digital interfaces.

Complete concepts of this kind are still rare in Germany. In the Arab world, the metropolises of Asia or the USA, on the other hand, digitization is being practiced much more intensively and is generating cost-effective and future-proof quality improvements. So what are we waiting for?